Serve as the host of the event “Mita Kobo-ji temple”, 開催地『三田弘法寺』
Kobo-ji has a long history and was founded in 816 AD. Since then, we have been protecting the Hoto for 1200 years. The honzon(the principal object of worship)is Kobo Daishi. Kobo Daishi is enshrined as the principal image of the temple because it has a connection with the temple that was built as a dojo for Shomyo (chatting of Buddhist hymns) when Daishi founded a temple at Mt. Koya. It moved to Mita area around the Meiji era. We have spread the teachings of the Shingon sect in a quiet residential area. Many people are worshiping as the third temple on the pilgrimage of 88 Stage Pilgrimage Sacred Grounds in Gofunai. The exterior of a building does not look like a temple, the main hall is located on the 3rd floor and is used for worship and memorial services. 【 Location 】 Mita Kobo-ji temple 〒108-0073 2-12-5 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 弘法寺の歴史は古く、創建は西暦816年。以来1200年の永きに渡って法燈を守り続けております。 ご本尊は弘法大師。お大師様が高野山を開山した際に声明の道場として造られた寺坊に縁があることから、弘法大師をご本尊として祀っ...
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