
Showing posts with the label Mita Kobo-ji temple

テキトーに生きろ! 女性僧侶が語る人生を楽にするコツ【後編】

寺子屋NINJAでは、伝統的な日本文化を発信しております。 三田弘法寺で尼僧として活動されている小田海光さんとのインタビュー後編です。 よろしければ【日本語字幕】を設定して動画をお楽しみください。 前編はこちらから →     • Youはどうして剃髪を!? 女性がお坊さんになる理由【前編】   弘法寺の仏道学院はこちら → 【動画目次】 00:00 オープニング 00:10 お坊さんとしての身のこなし 07:22 執筆に対する思い 13:28 海光先生のミニ法話 23:48 最後に一言 Interview about Japanese culture | 和文化について語ります。     • 和文化について語ります。 | Interview about Japane...   Tea Ceremony | 茶道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。     • 茶道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。 | Tea Ceremony   Ikebana Lesson | 華道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。     • 華道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。| Ikebana Lesson   【伝統的な日本の文化体験を寺子屋NINJAで】 着物を着る、お茶を嗜む、お花をいける、和菓子を習うーそれは日本を訪れる観光客の方はもちろん、当世では私たち日本人にとっても憧れの貴重な体験になります。私たちはその一期一会のひとときにふさわしい空間と最高のおもてなしで、お客様をお迎えします。 【Experience traditional Japanese culture】 Wear Kimono, taste Japanese traditional tea, learn Japanese flower arrangement and sweets. Welcome to the tea ceremony experience. 【Location】 Mita Kobo-ji temple 〒108-0073 2-12-5 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Experience traditional Japane

Live comfortably! Tips for making life easier as told by the female monk [Part 2]

At Terakoya NINJA, we transmit traditional Japanese culture. This is the second part of an interview with Ms. Kaikou Oda who is active as a nun at Mita Koboji temple. Please enjoy the video with English subtitles. Part1 is here. →     • Youはどうして剃髪を!? 女性がお坊さんになる理由【前編】   The Buddhism Academy of Koboji is here. → [Table of Contents] 00:00 Opening 00:10 Conduct as a monk 07:22 Thoughts on writing 13:28 Mini sermon by Teacher Kaikou 23:48 Final statements Interview about Japanese culture | Playlist     • 和文化について語ります。 | Interview about Japane...   Tea Ceremony | Playlist     • 茶道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。 | Tea Ceremony   Ikebana Lesson | Playlist     • 華道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。| Ikebana Lesson   【Experience traditional Japanese culture at Terakoya NINJA】 Wearing a kimono, enjoying a tea ceremony, arranging flowers, and learning to make Japanese sweets (Wagashi). These are the precious experiences that not only tourists visiting Japan but also

Why did you shave your head!? The reason women become a monk [Part 1]

At Terakoya NINJA, we transmit traditional Japanese culture. This is the first part of an interview with Ms. Kaiko Oda who is active as a nun at Mita Koboji temple. Please enjoy the video with English subtitles. The Buddhism Academy of Koboji is here. → [Table of Contents] 00:00 Opening 00:26 About Koboji temple 12:30 Reason for entering the Buddhist path 17:48 Thoughts on shaving the head 27:55 About the Buddhist Academy Interview about Japanese culture | Playlist     • 和文化について語ります。 | Interview about Japane...   Tea Ceremony | Playlist     • 茶道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。 | Tea Ceremony   Ikebana Lesson | Playlist     • 華道の基本について分かりやすく解説します。| Ikebana Lesson   【Experience traditional Japanese culture at Terakoya NINJA】 Wearing a kimono, enjoying a tea ceremony, arranging flowers, and learning to make Japanese sweets (Wagashi). These are the precious experiences that not only tourists visiting Japan but also Japanese people have always wa

[EngSUB] Easy ikebana | Arranging autumn flowers according to the color and shape of the vase

We will send you an introduction to ikebana from Terakoya NINJA. [Easy ikebana for beginners] Arranging autumn flowers according to the color and shape of the vase. If you don't mind, please set [EngSUB] and enjoy this video. 【Table of contents】 00:00 Easy autumn flower arrangement for beginners 00:19 Can be used in a long and narrow vase 05:30 Arrange a single flower vase with the length of the flower 08:33 Arrange in a vase with a pattern 12:24 Arrange flowers on Mino ware 16:09 Next preview Mita Koboji Temple Kaiko Oda Sensei ■Today's flowers leucadendron Denfare Rose Arnuwa Blanc (white rose) Rose all 4 cute (pink double rose) Anthurium Click here to purchase Ikebana tools Click here for related videos [Easy ikebana for beginners] Arranging autumn flowers :     • 【初心者でも簡単 生け花教室】秋のお花を花器の色と形に合わせて生ける/細長...   Christmas tree-like ikebana / How to arrange gorgeous flowers / Christmas ikebana :     • 【初心者】クリスマスツリー風いけばな/少ない花材で大きく